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A member registered Oct 02, 2022

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It's not DLC if the game is unfinished.

DO NOT BUY! Current game is not worth the price and the developer is charging for the content he should be building into the game as "DLC."

That's not what I asked.

Is the game finished?

So, let me get this straight. I paid for the game. The game isn't finished. AND you want me to pay more money for content that should be part of the game? EA, have you gone indy?

Well, you felt wrong.

If you're going to have voice actors talking about "pornographic material" from the very beginning, you need to have volume controls available immediately.

Is this game actually worth buying? I've been suckered on here before, so I downloaded the free version to see, and completed the whole thing in 15 minutes with only one, kind of disappointing, adult scene.

(1 edit)

It was when she was crying. Her head is in shadow, and the door she's sitting in front of is dark colored, so she kind of blended in.

I did the exact same thing. I ended up accidentally clicking on her instead of the door. At least I think we're talking about the same thing.